Friday, December 27, 2019

Transformation In Death Of A Salesman - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1062 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/05/31 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Death Of A Salesman Essay Did you like this example? Transformation in Death of a Salesman During a 1999 interview with Charlie Rose, Arthur Miller stated that his play, Death of a Salesman, is a love story, basically, between a father and son its about the loss of love and finding of love again. Millers play, written in 1946, focuses on Willy Loman, a salesman who has spent his life trying to succeed in business and popularity, but never quite grasping how to be the success he portrayed himself to be. Realizing early on that he would never be his own definition of success, Willy works to instill in his two young sons, Biff and Happy, the importance of success in business and being well liked.. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Transformation In Death Of A Salesman" essay for you Create order Unfortunately for Willie, the values that he teaches his sons, and the example he sets only serves to lead them astray. Now in his sixties, Willie is tired. He and Biff have been at odds since Biff discovered him having an affair. The discovery destroyed Biff and his view of his father, resulting in Biffs drifting unhappily and unsuccessfully through life. Upon his return home, witnessing the hopeless, delusional being that his father has become†suicidal, and unable to separate his memories of the past from the present, Biff attempts to help his father to regain his confidence and hope. However, the lies of their family run too deep, causing Biff to falter; and Willie, deciding that he is worth more dead than alive, takes his own life. In the course of attempting to help his father, Biff reveals himself as a protagonist in this play as he manages, unlike any of the other characters, to achieve some manner of personal growth by battling his inner demons, his fathers expectations, and his families lies and unrealistic endeavors in pursuit of riches. Biff learns that the only way he will avoid the fate of his father is to live his truth by choosing happiness over success. Lee Siegel asserts that, Biffs inability, at the age of 34, to get beyond the discovery, when he was a senior in high school, of his fathers infidelity†committed by Willy out of loneliness and desperation†roots him as fatally in his past as Willy is stuck in his. Until this discovery, Biff was on track to at least finish high school. The product of Willys raising, Biff was a gifted football star who valued popularity over academics. Biff followed his fathers dvice as if it were gospel, be liked and youll never want (Miller, Death, 33). Biff and Willy, for a time, exist in a relationship of mutual flattery, unrealistic dreams, and adoration. Willy is willing to overlook Biffs flaws of being a thief and a bully, and Biff does not believe Willy has any flaws. However, the discovery of Willys affair, shakes Biff to his very core and causes him to question everything Willy has ever taught him. If Willy is not authentic, then neither is Biff, for his authenticity depends comple tely on Willys authorizing it (Heims 1180). This event effectively stunts Biff, he is left without a certain idea of success, to battle the happiness he finds on a farm and in nature with his instilled desire to find success in business. Biffs stagnation torments Willy. Biff was meant to be Willys redemption for his own failures, a heavy burden for a father to place on a son. Willy, grows more irritated with each encounter with Biff and his lack of material success. He questions, How can he find himself on a farm? Is that a life? A farmhand?its more than ten years now and he has yet to make thirty-five dollars a week! (Miller,Death, 16). However, even though Biff feels mocked by Willy, he also sees that his father is in distress, and feels the need to help him. Biff appears to Willy as a hero who inexplicably has not achieved his heroism and who is, consequently, a source of grief and not joy (Heims 1137). In one last attempt to live up to Willies standards, to rescue his father, and help him to regain respect, Biff plans to borrow money from an old boss and start his own sporting goods business with Happy. At this new Willie is overjoyed, pressing his son to succeed, its like the old says to him, but with a seemingly greater sense of desperation and urgency. However, the former lies of his family have only invaded Biffs perceptions of past events, his former boss, Mr. Oliver, has no recollection of him. Biff was not the prized salesman he and his family remembered him to be, but just a shipping clerk. In his pride injured state Biff steals the mans pen to make himself feel better. At the same time Willie has been fired, he tells his sons, the woods are burning, boys, you understand. Theres a big blaze going on all around (Miller, Death, 107). As Biff reveals the truth of his day to Willy, disappointing him in his time of great need, Willy is relieving the moment of Biff discovering his affair. Willy begins to lose his last bit of sanity. He has nothing left to give, but Biff refuses to live with the lies anymore. Biff has changed, hes had an epiphany in the midst of stealing the pen he asks himself, why am I trying to become what I dont want to be? What am I doing in an office making a contemptuous, begging fool of myself, when all I want is out there, waiting for me the minute I say I know who I am! (Miller, Death, 132). With this realization Biff implores Willy to accept that his failures werent out of spite anymore, but simply because he never took the time to make anything of himself. In Willys last confrontation with Biff he realizes too, that the degree of Biffs alienation from, and rage at him are measures of his love for him (Heims 1080). Willy finally understands that Biff loves him, but it is too late. The only thing that changes in Willys decided course of action, is that he dies knowing that Biff loves him. In the end, it is only Biff who is able realize that happiness and comfort are not found in the reckless pursuit of material goods and popularity, but in the comfort of freedom and truth. It is Bills love for Willy that both torments and frees him.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

High School Math Teacher Mark Biller Is An Inspiration

High school math teacher Mark Biller is an inspiration and ultimately the reason I decided to become a teacher myself. He has taught at multiple schools over his teaching career, but ultimately found his place at Polaris Expeditionary Learning School in Fort Collins, Colorado where he has been for the past 4 years. Teaching is not an easy thing, but it comes naturally to Mark as he shares his love of numbers with students in an engaging way. Although I only had the opportunity to be in 2 of his classes as a student, I was able to observe Mark’s teaching style more in-depth as a teacher’s aide for all of the classes that he offered as well as receive guidance in my own budding teaching style. The most important part of leaning to be a†¦show more content†¦And when other new teachers act like they know everything, call them out. Do not be afraid to stand up to them and help them to be better teachers or realize that they are not meant to be in education. Because Legal responsibilities are a daily occurrence, there are many things you need to look out for. Mark thinks one of the most important things to look out for special ed students or students with either a 504 or an IEP. It is critical to make sure to meet their accommodations, no matter how irritating or pointless you feel they might be. Ethical situations are also commonplace and a multitude of situations occur that need to be dealt with in a timely manner. Some hard decisions Mark has had to make include deciding when to tell a punk kid to stop being a macho idiot and when to stand up for a kid when they’re being mistreated, but not bullied by someone else. Also, when to give a student extra time when no one else gets it, but they’re trying their hardest and it’s still not good enough. Mark Biller describes the educational system like a delicate ecosystem, all parts of it need to work together if things are going to last. If the community does not support a school, odds are the school will have to close-down. If the teachers don’t work with parents, then kids will not get the support they need. If parents do not support teachers, students loose an

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

How Cleanliness Affects the Life of an Individual free essay sample

The significance of cleanliness and hygiene cannot be overlooked by any society. Every faith and civilisation stresses the importance of cleanliness. Historically, cleanliness has been considered one of the important factors by which to judge a civilisation’s or society’s development. Islam places great emphasis on cleanliness and purity, both physically and spiritually. In Islam, spiritual purity is linked to physical cleanliness and purity. More impor tantly, cleanliness is termed an indispensable fundamental of faith. However, this fundamental and powerful tenet of our faith, unfortunately, is not reflected in our society practically. Serious reflection is required on our individual as well as collective practices in order to make this valuable principle of Islam part of our lives. There are many verses in the Holy Quran which reflect the importance of cleanliness. For example, Allah says â€Å"†¦Truly, Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean† (2:222). We will write a custom essay sample on How Cleanliness Affects the Life of an Individual or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the Quran worship and seeking Allah’s love is conditioned with cleanliness and purity as the Holy Book says â€Å"†¦In it [mosque] are men who love to clean and to purify themselves. And Allah loves those who make themselves clean and pure† (9:108). Furthermore, in one of his sayings the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has termed cleanliness as half of faith. The above few examples from the Holy Quran and sayings of the Holy Prophet reveal that without cleanliness of our body and environment, one cannot receive the proximity of Allah spiritually and most importantly, faith cannot be completed in the absence of cleanliness and purity. Much is said rhetorically about cleanliness in our society but practically its application is missing. A quick observation can reveal how insensitive a culture we have developed regarding cleanliness and hygiene. Throwing garbage in the streets, roads or parks has become a common practice in our society. In public places dustbins are seldom found. Even if dustbins are installed, people do not use them properly. Rather, they prefer to throw garbage outside them. It is also observed that people clean their homes and shops and throw the garbage on the street without considering its implications. It is evident that even students of elite schools throw garbage on the ground even in the presence of garbage bins. This shows our attitude towards cleanliness and hygiene. Another habit that is commonly found in our society is spitting openly. People spit paan from running vehicles without considering the pedestrians walking on the road. This practice not only affects the environment but is also an eyesore. Another area that needs consideration is the horrible condition of public toilets. The shortage of public toilets is a big challenge, hence people are compelled to use open spaces to answer the call of nature. The toilets that do exist are in such pathetic condition that one cannot use them. There are many other examples which can be cited to indicate the pathetic condition of cleanliness and hygiene in our society. Hence, conscious efforts are needed to tackle this issue. There is a dire need to educate and sensitise people about the importance of cleanliness in light of our faith. In this regard social institutions such as educational institutions, the media and religious institutions can play a vital role. It is essential to provide civic education in order to train the younger generations of a society. In Pakistan, the education system needs to transform its practices. Teaching and learning material regarding cleanliness and hygiene should be included in the curriculum and textbooks. Educational institutions should demonstrate cleanliness in their premises. To train young people schools should involve students in cleaning their schools, homes and environment and highlight proper sanitary practices. The use of dustbins should be strictly followed in the school premises. Secondly, the media can be a powerful source to educate and sensitise the masses about the importance of cleanliness and disadvantages of an unhygienic way of life. It should focus on both the good as well as unhygienic practices in our society. Thirdly, religious institutions such as mosques and madressahs can also play their part in educating the people about the importance of cleanliness in the light of Islamic teachings. Furthermore, the role and commitment of the government cannot be overlooked in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in society. The government’s will is very crucial in making policies and implementing them at the grass-roots level. The government can play an important role in cleaning areas, installing dustbins, collecting garbage and enforcing laws against littering etc. The importance of cleanliness cannot be ignored in individual as well as communal life. On one hand it is an important factor for human health and spiritual development; on the other hand it is essential for environmental development. By adopting a clean and hygienic lifestyle, a valuable amount can also be saved where health issues are concerned. A clean and healthy life helps in refining the culture of a society and reflects in every aspect of life such as art, architecture, food, music and so on. Ultimately, it leads towards a higher level of civilisation. Islam has put unique emphasis on the importance of cleanliness by making it a part of faith. Hence, there is a dire need to make conscious efforts in educating the people about the importance of cleanliness. In this regard, serious steps are required at multiple levels to make this precious value of our faith part of our individual and collective lives. Cleanliness  is both the  abstract  state of being clean and free from  dirt, and the process of achieving and maintaining that state. Cleanliness may be endowed with a moral quality, as indicated by the  aphorism  cleanliness is next to  godliness,[1]  and may be regarded as contributing to other ideals such as  health  andbeauty. In emphasizing an ongoing procedure or set of habits for the purpose of maintenance and prevention, the concept of cleanliness differs from  purity[disambiguation needed], which is a physical, moral, or ritual state of freedom from pollutants. Whereas purity is usually a quality of an individual or substance, cleanliness has a social dimension, or implies a system of interactions. [2]  Cleanliness, observed  Jacob Burckhardt, is indispensable to our modern notion of social perfection. [3]  A household or workplace may be said to exhibit cleanliness, but not ordinarily purity; cleanliness also would be a characteristic of the people who maintain cleanness or prevent dirtying. On a practical level, cleanliness is thus related to  hygiene  and disease prevention. Washing  is one way of achieving physical cleanliness, usually with  water  and often some kind of  soap  ordetergent. Procedures of cleanliness are of utmost importance in many forms of manufacturing. As an assertion of moral superiority or respectability, cleanliness has played a role in establishing cultural values in relation to  social class,  humanitarianism, and  cultural imperialism.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Speech Sounds free essay sample

Speech Sounds is a fictional story written by an African-American science fiction author by the name of Octavia E. Butler. Octavia Butler received both the Hugo and Nebula awards for various works of hers. At a very young age Octavia was diagnosed with dyslexia and had acquired a slight speech impediment, which led to ongoing teasing and humiliation from her peers. She was often belittled and bullied by this and also affected by racism and sexism. Writing fictional stories was Butler’s self-therapy to foster her emotions based on the experiences in her own life. She was drawn to reading and writing science fiction stories to elude her boredom and loneliness. Speech Sounds is one of her many fictional pieces that she has written to help convey her emotions to an audience. In 1984, Octavia Butler was presented with the Hugo Award for her story Speech Sounds and also received a lifetime achievement award for her writing from the PEN American Center. We will write a custom essay sample on Speech Sounds or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In most of her works, Butler explored multiple social issues such as race, sexuality, gender, religion, and social class. The main characters of this short fiction are Rye and Obsidian. They get their names from the exchanging of gifts that each had to give as a symbol of friendship. Obsidian presented Rye with a necklace with a black, shiny, igneous rock to keep, while Rye presented Obsidian with a pen that appeared to resemble wheat. The two of them are placed in this walking dead society as superiors. The main focus in Speech Sounds is the interpretation of the Illness, lack of communication among people, and the resulting isolation. Speech Sounds is a story about a disease that causes an entire society to develop an â€Å"impairment. † In the short story, the character Rye refers to this impairment as â€Å"The illness. † The illness had taken away the ability for human beings to communicate with one another, loss of human intelligence, and sometimes resulting in death. In homeland security we would call a widespread sickness like this a pandemic1. According to Harshit Sinha of the Indian Institute of Management, â€Å"Such events can plunge a community, a nation, or the entire world into a state of chaos. Intrigues of politics, financial bungling, poor management, ineffective planning, and numerous other shortcomings simultaneously come to the forefront, aggravating already intricate problems. Rye states, The illness had played with them, taking away, she suspected, what each valued most. With the ability to communicate lost by the people of the world, people began to rely on their survival instincts. Law and order is eliminated in society. With the downfall of an economy society then leads to complete chaos and anarchy. People without any knowledge of how things were three to four years prior to the illness now would not know how to function in the world leaving every man to fend for himself. In the story, Butler’s character Rye describes this pandemic as â€Å"stroke-like in some of its effects. † â€Å"Language was always lost or severely impaired Often there was also paralysis, intellectual impairment, and death. † The symptoms of a person having or have had a stroke would be sudden trouble speaking, sudden confusion or trouble understanding simple statements, sudden problems with walking or balance, and loss of movement to parts of the body, particularly to one side. Butler states, She [Rye] had lost reading and writing skills. That was her most serious impairment and her most painful†. Could this illness that Butler refers to be a stroke or another disease called dementia? Dementia is strictly a term used to describe a decline in mental capacity. A person with dementia may experience the loss of reasoning, effective and clear communication, the ability to focus, and exhibit memory loss. The second most common type of dementia is vascular dementia, which occurs after a stroke. The Alzheimer’s disease accounts for approximately 60-80% of dementia cases. These cases are determined by a patient’s medical history, a series of lab tests, physical examination, and personality changes. Society today as we know it could very well run to ruins such as in the event of Chernobyl. On April 25, 1986 two Soviet radioactive reactors located in the Ukraine exploded from extreme pressures causing the release of fission and radioactivity into the atmosphere. This incident became a direct result of the Cold War isolation. The accident destroyed the Chernobyl 4 reactor killing 30 plant operators and firemen within three months and several further deaths later. Many people within reach of the toxic fumes given off by the plant suffered from cancer and other defects such as deformities and radiation burns. Speech Sounds has a parallel plot to Chernobyl and how things could be in the future. We could be pushed into a world of disease, death, and the destruction of all critical infrastructures. Butler’s work frequently explored the subject of life after apocalypse. Communication had been lost for years in Los Angeles and across the world leaving people to establish their own ways of communicating with movement and distorted sounds. â€Å"The loss of verbal language had spawned a whole new set of obscene gestures. † Body language became the new alphabet. The extinction of communication can lead to the extinction of the world in the future. Conflict and misunderstandings arise whenever the ability to communicate fails. For instance, Rye informs us that the fight on the bus more than likely started as a result of a misunderstanding rather than a disagreement. â€Å"She watched the two carefully, knowing that the fight would begin when†¦someone came to the end of his limited ability to communicate. † Butler mentions this idea of ‘superiority’. This was the idea that those who had certain abilities to communicate effectively were seen as superior to those who could not. When Rye had realized that Obsidian could read it upset her. â€Å"What did literacy mean to hima grown man who played cops and robbers? She felt sick to her stomach with hatred, frustration, and jealousy†. These feelings of hatred, frustration, and jealousy would not come up again until after Obsidian’s death. Rye realizes that these emotions are tools that can very well urge someone to kill all because they feel inferior to another person. â€Å"Had the woman died because she could talk and had taught her children to talk? Had she been killed by a husbands festering anger or by a stranger’s jealous rage? † These are the questions Rye begins to ask herself once she finds out that the two children can speak clear speech. Another theme in this story is isolation. Thomas Carlyle said, â€Å"Isolation is the sum total of wretchedness to a man. † It is a disease in and of itself. Isolation cripples a city or nation economically and socially. Rye mentions that she had not been touched by anyone for three years. She had been on her own ever since the illness had taken her family away from her. Isolation can then become an illness as well. People begin to compete against each other for food and resources while developing an extra sense of cautiousness and rage to others around. This is evident in history before China’s Open Door Policy. In 1976 China was largely closed to outsiders; the political struggles of the late Maoist years depressed economic growth and foreign trade. Isolation can take its toll on a person psychologically as well making someone feel depressed, angry, lonely, and on edge. For three years Rye had isolated herself from the rest of the living community. â€Å"She had found and lost the man so quickly. It was as though she had been snatched from comfort and security and given a sudden, inexplicable beating. † Rye and Obsidian almost immediately had a strong, passionate, attraction to one another. Throughout their short time together, it seemed to have grown rather quickly. Rye was anticipating spending an extended time with Obsidian. They practically went together hand and hand like a puzzle. Obsidian could read and write, and Rye could speak. He was there to protect her, and to protect other people who needed protecting, whether he was actually an LAPD officer or only playing. Being that LAPD officer is what kept Obsidian sane. It’s also what allowed Rye to let down her guard and trust someone. Both Obsidian and Rye had revealed their secrets to each other at this point, which made each of them find a sense of loyalty in the other. Rye could have taken her pistol and killed Obsidian after revealing her secret to him, but instead she trusted him. Now when she finally found that person she could trust and put her feelings into, the illness had stripped her once again of something that made living worthwhile. He [Obsidian] had died and left her—like everyone else. † The ending of Butler’s story brings a major twist that can be viewed as important. Just as Rye is placed in this tragic situation with the death of a woman, her murderer, and Obsidian, out runs two young children. Rye quickly gets up to leave because she knows that if she were to see those children cry it would make her vomit. But as she runs back to the car she realizes that she should try and bury at least Obsidian and the woman. These thoughts push her to go back for the two bodies. When it came time to take the woman’s body the little girl that was there shouts, â€Å"No! † Rye dropped the woman and looked at the little girl with surprise in her expression. â€Å"Go away†, she said. Just as she spoke, her brother reprimanded her and told her not to talk. Surprised, Rye could not believe that the two children had spoken so clearly and she could understand them. Rye spoke back to them and said, â€Å"It’s all right. † â€Å"You’re going with us, too. † This event gives the reader a sense of hope. It gives the reader hope that just maybe a new beginning can rise from this, or that there are more children or people out there who are considered to be superior. Also, for the story it gives hope for Rye and even for mankind.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Frederick Douglass Quotes on Womens Rights

Frederick Douglass Quotes on Womens Rights Frederick Douglass was an American abolitionist and former slave, and one of the most famous 19th-century orators and lecturers. He was present at the Seneca Falls Womens Rights Convention of 1848 and advocated for womens rights along with abolition and the rights of African Americans. Douglass last speech was to the National Council of Women in 1895; he died of a heart attack suffered the evening of the speech. Selected Frederick Douglass Quotations [Masthead of his newspaper, North Star, founded 1847] Right is of no sex - Truth is of no color - God is the Father of us all, and we are all Brethren. When the true history of the antislavery cause shall be written, women will occupy a large space in its pages, for the cause of the slave has been peculiarly womans cause. [Life and Times of Frederick Douglass,1881] Observing womans agency, devotion and efficiency in pleading the cause of the slave, gratitude for this high service early moved me to give favorable attention to the subject of what is called womans rights and caused me to be denominated a womans rights man. I am glad to say I have never been ashamed to be thus designated. [Life and Times of Frederick Douglass,1881] [A] woman should have every honorable motive to exertion which is enjoyed by man, to the full extent of her capacities and endowments. The case is too plain for argument. Nature has given woman the same powers, and subjected her to the same earth, breathes the same air, subsists on the same food, physical, moral, mental and spiritual. She has, therefore, an equal right with man, in all efforts to obtain and maintain a perfect existence. Woman should have justice as well as praise, and if she is to dispense with either, she can better afford to part with the latter than the former. Woman, however, like the colored man, will never be taken by her brother and lifted to a position. What she desires, she must fight for. We hold woman to be justly entitled to all we claim for man. We go farther, and express our conviction that all political rights which it is expedient for man to exercise, it is equally so for women. [At the 1848 Womens Rights Convention at Seneca Falls, according to Stanton et al in [History of Woman Suffrage] A discussion of the rights of animals would be regarded with far more complacency by many of what are called the wise and the good of our land, than would be a discussion of the rights of woman. [From an 1848 article in the North Star about the Seneca Falls Womens Rights Convention and its reception by the general public] Should the females of New York be placed on a level of equality with males before the law? If so, let us petition for this impartial justice for women. In order to insure this equal justice should the females of New York, like the males, have a voice in appointing the law makers and the law administrators? If so, let us petition for Womans Right to Suffrage. [1853] On putting a priority, after the Civil War, on votes for African Americans males before women in general] When women, because they are women, are dragged from their homes and hung upon lampposts; when their children are torn from their arms and their brains dashed upon the pavement;... then they will have the urgency to obtain the ballot. When I ran away from slavery, it was for myself; when I advocated emancipation, it was for my people; but when I stood up for the rights of women, self was out of the question, and I found a little nobility in the act. [About Harriet Tubman] Much that you have done would seem improbable to those who do not know you as I know you. Quote collection assembled by Jone Johnson Lewis.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Analysis of Andre’s Mother by Terrence McNally Essay Essay Example

Analysis of Andre’s Mother by Terrence McNally Essay Essay Example Analysis of Andre’s Mother by Terrence McNally Essay Paper Analysis of Andre’s Mother by Terrence McNally Essay Paper The drama. Andre’s Mother. by Terrence McNally is a narrative about accepting decease and is based in a narrative about a immature adult male who died before stating his female parent that he was gay ; go forthing the man’s spouse to interrupt the intelligence and to inform the female parent about how much he missed seeing her and his fright of being rejected by her. in the clip before his decease. The subject of this narrative is to populate life mundane with no declinations. Throughout the symbols and mentions you begin to understand the life of Andre. The white balloon represents allowing travel and go forthing a immature adult male in peace. The silence of his female parent shows that she neer accepted his sexual penchant. While Hamlet references the battles of his mundane life. The white balloon in the drama Andre’s Mother is a symbol of Andre’s psyche. Cal speaks about the white balloons stating. â€Å"They represent the psyche. When you let travel. it means you’re allowing his psyche ascend to Heaven. that you’re willing to allow travel. Interrupting the last earthly ties† ( McNally 737 ) . Andre is stating that the white balloons are Andre’s psyche and that when you release them. you’re willing to allow travel of all the incorrect and allow him rest in peace. Penny. Cal’s sister. and Arthur. Cal’s pa let travel of the balloon without vacillation. After let go ofing their balloons Cal reluctantly admits. â€Å"I’m non ready yet† ( McNally 737 ) . This is because Cal still couldn’t Lashkar-e-Taiba travel and still had declinations. The balloon being white represents pureness. Leting spell of the white balloon meant that after all that was said. Andre was now clear and pure once more. I believe that white balloon represented allowing spell of Andre and allowing his psyche remainder in peace with no declinations and nil left unexpressed. Andre’s mother’s silence throughout the drama proved to us she did non accept her son’s homosexualism. Cal tells Andre’s female parent how much Andre missed her and longed for her credence. He gets finished with his harangue and still no response from Andre’s female parent. Cal gets huffy and answers. â€Å"It’s Irish bull. It’s all Irish bull. [ Still No response ] † Her silence shows that she is non accepting of Andre’s sexual penchant. At the terminal of the drama Andre’s ma with her ain struggles releases the balloon. The drama write quotation marks. â€Å"He goes. Andre’s female parent stands entirely keeping her white balloon. Her lips tremble. She looks on the brink of interrupting down. She looks at it awhile before she gently kisses it and lets go of the balloon†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I believe at that point that Andre’s female parent forgave her boy and was willing to pass over the slate clean by let go ofing the white balloon and allowing Andre’s psyche remainder in peace. Andre’s mother’s silence throughout the drama shows that she neer accepted her son’s gender. Even though she wasn’t accepting she allow her son remainder in peace and allow his psyche ascend to heaven. Andre’s love of theatre and the drama Hamlet gave us an penetration to his life. At the beginning of the drama Cal expresses Andre’s love of theater. Cal expresses. â€Å"God. how much he wanted to play Hamlet once more. He would hold gone to Timbuktu to hold another spell at that portion. The summer he did in Boston. he was so happy! † ( McNally 736 ) . This mention to Hamlet. I believe showcases the battles Andre went through. Andre struggled with decision-making and avoiding things. as did Hamlet. Hamlet struggled whether to revenge his male parent and struggled with the determination that he had been avoiding. This is besides evident when Cal brings up Andre’s great public presentation stating. â€Å"You should hold come up the summer he plated Hamlet. He was magnificent† ( McNally 738 ) . I believe the Hamlet mention was to showcase Andre and his internal battles. McNally uses strong a strong sense of symbolism throughout the narrative. First by keeping a white balloon. the characters were holing a representation of Andre’s life and the memories that they each had of him. By let go ofing the balloon. they were allowing spell of the unhappiness of his decease and for some. the secret he’d been maintaining from his household. This besides represented the crossing over of Andre. In the narrative. Andre was afraid of being rejected by his female parent. whose silence throughout the drama proves that she was incapable of offering credence to his homosexualism. With Andre’s love of the theatre and specifically Hamlet. he is associating himself to one of the most accepted internal battles of the theatre universe.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Answer the problem Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Answer the problem - Research Paper Example In this paper, I try and provide an analysis about how Hobbes would have viewed the problem arising out of Iranian nuclear ambitions from both the western as well as Iranian perspectives. This is necessary because of the fact that the Leviathan was composed mainly as a treatise on the role of the state and the international system being bound by commonly accepted norms of behavior and conduct. As the following quote from one of the respected commentators on Foreign Policy shows, â€Å"The misrulers of Iran claim inspiration from the Qur’an and other Islamic sources, as well as Plato’s concept of the â€Å"philosopher-king.† But it now seems they are inspired by a more recent Western thinker, Thomas Hobbes. In his classic on the state, Leviathan, Hobbes wrote, â€Å"the aim of punishment is not revenge, but terror.† The Iranian government takes Hobbes as their guide for maintaining the Ayatollahs’ Leviathan in power.† (Hasani, 2010). Hence it is apparent that Hobbes’ definition of the purposes for which a state must exist has been twisted to fit the arguments of both the sides. From the Iranian perspective, however loathsome the idea of a Nuclear Iran might be to Western nations, the fact that Hobbes proclaimed that punishment can take the form of terror as well as revenge means that the Iranian state is using the nuclear status as an alibi to terrorize the west into accepting their demands. This in itself makes for a rather poor reading of Hobbes The argument for the West runs something like this, â€Å"First and foremost, however, a stable Middle Eastern order requires a Leviathan--a power, that is, capable of disciplining all warring parties.† (Doran, 2006) This is the grand strategy that the US and its allies must be pursuing in the Middle East. The idea to restrain Iran from acquiring Nuclear weapons is to be seen in this context of a strong Western presence in the volatile Middle East