Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Terrorist Attack On The World Trade Center - 1296 Words

Do you remember the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center? After that attack, President Bush â€Å"Appointed the first-ever director of the nascent Office of Homeland Security†(Homeland Security past, present, future). Homeland Security is to oversee and coordinate a comprehensive national strategy to safeguard the United States against terrorism and to respond to any future attacks. â€Å"In November 2002, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) formally came into being as a standalone, Cabinet-level, department to further coordinate and unify national homeland security efforts† (Homeland Security past, present, future). â€Å"This new department integrated all or part of 22 different Federal departments and agencies into a single unified entity† (Homeland Security past, present, future). Since the 9/11 attack, a little over a decade ago, our nation has witnessed the initiation and implementation of two national warning systems, which was launched in Apr il of 2011. â€Å"We ve also seen the emergence of several emergency- and disaster-related citizen support groups, designed to serve law-enforcement agencies and first responders at all levels of government—city, county, state, and federal†(Homeland Security past, present ,future). Presendent Bush signed Homeland Security Presidential Directive 3 in March of 2002, creating the Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS). â€Å"†This system was established to to serve as the foundation for a simple communications structure to disseminateShow MoreRelatedThe Terrorist Attack On The World Trade Center1559 Words   |  7 PagesThe two terrorist attacks that I will examine are the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center that took place on February 26, 1993 and The Boston Marathon Bombing took place on April 15. 2013. I will also be providing an overview of the terrorist attack at the World Trade Center and the Boston Marathon Bombing. I will explain the lessons learn ed from each attack in my own opinion. I will also describe what protective measures were taken during the attacks to prevent further casualties and injuriesRead MoreTerrorist Attacks On The World Trade Center1170 Words   |  5 PagesThere is little doubt that the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York on September 11 drastically changed America’s sense of security in recent years. Yet the country is facing another kind of threat, one that is not entirely different than the dangers of terrorism at a global scale: domestic terrorism. At its core, domestic terrorism differs from any other type of terrorism in the sense that those who carry it out are citizens or permanent residents of a given country and who inflictRead MoreThe Terrorist Attacks On The World Trade Center1377 Words   |  6 PagesThe terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the downing of an airplane by passengers on September 11, 2001 left many Americans reeling with fe ar and feeling vulnerable. The American people no longer felt safe and protected on their homeland soil. It was a violation of security that united not only the American people, but countries around the world. Shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, then President, George W. Bush, proposed the creation of the DepartmentRead MoreTerrorist Attacks On The World Trade Center1924 Words   |  8 PagesSeptember 11th, 2001. It is a date that will always be remembered as the date of random terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. These cruel events took terrorist attacks within the United States, suppress the susceptibility of the United States to terrorism, and diminish damage and assist in recovery against any unwanted attacks. Congress s main focus for Homeland Security is â€Å"Intelligence and warning; Border and transportation security; domestic counterterrorism; protectingRead MoreTerrorist Attacks On The World Trade Center Towers And Pentagon985 Words   |  4 PagesOnce there was a 9/11 truther. He believed that the so-called terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center towers and Pentagon on September 11th, 2001 were secretly ordered and carried out by the United States government as part of a false flag operation to stir up popular outrage against their enemies abroad so that the evil George W Bush could work his will upon the world. Recently, the truther took an Introduction to Physical Science class. The swarmy professor who teaches the course mocked himRead MoreTerrorist Attacks: Pearl Harbour and The World Trade Center Essay970 Words   |  4 Pagesmistakenly done. Two big history repeats that are partially similar are terrorist attacks. Two terrorist attacks, both at different times, and both unexpected occurred. One being before the 1960’s and the other after. In the early morning of December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Imperial Japanese Navy. This was only one incident of terrorism. Another occurred on September 11, 2001 when the World Trade Center was attacked by Islamic extremists. Pearl Harbor began early on SundayRead MoreThe Events Of The 9 / 11 Terrorist Attack On The World Trade Center1170 Words   |  5 Pagesthe world is. The next thing I know, I am no longer capable of having trust and faith in others. My feelings of trust have changed since the events of the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, the Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, and the Boston Marathon bombings. The 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center have had a large impact on my opinion about the amount of trust people deserve. When I first heard that the reason the planes had collided with the towers was a terrorist attackRead MoreThe Terrorist Attacks On The World Trade Center And The Pentagon On September 111522 Words   |  7 Pages PTSD was originally conceptualized as a disorder of combat veterans. Unfortunately, societies all over the world are being more and more exposed to war and its effects due to the increase of worldwide terrorism. The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 (9/11), exemplified a blend of extreme violence and man-made disaster previously confined to the battlefield. For American’s terrorism was a new phenomena that brought the atrocities of war to AmericanRead MoreThe Terrorist Attack On The World Trade Centers, Bernie Madoff s Ponzi Scheme, And The Boston Marathon1116 Words   |  5 Pageshow th e world is. The next thing I know, I am no longer capable of having trust and faith in others. My feelings of trust have changed sense the events of 9/11 terrorist attack on the world trade centers, Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, and the Boston Marathon bombings. The 9/11 terrorist attack on the world trade centers have had a large impact on my opinion about the amount of trust people deserve. When I first heard about the reason the planes had ran into the towers was a terrorist attack, beingRead MoreNew Operating Environment : The Supply Chain Management After The Terrorist Attacks On The World Trade Center1314 Words   |  6 PagesNew operating environment bought awareness to the supply chain management after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. These events exposed the pre-existing and unseen risk of disruption to supply networks from terrorist attacks. The risk was there all along but the attacks made it real and foremost in our minds. Additionally, these events began to expose the more significant interdependence that exists between all firms in the supply network

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